Nevil Shute Norway Foundation

Flying Summary: PASTORAL

Published: 1944  
Setting: 1942?  
Story: A story entirely dedicated to flying. It recounts the lives of a bomber pilot and his crew as they prepare for and undertake bomber missions over Germany. It also develops the relationship of the young pilot with a recently commissioned WAAF officer whose job involves monitoring the safety of all the aircraft from the bomber station.  
Locations: On the Ground: RAF Bomber Command airfields
In the Air: en route to/from Germany
Main Characters: Flt Lt Peter Marshall and his crew (see below)
Section Officer Gervase Robertson WAAF
Sqn. Ldr. Chesterton (Adjutant)
Wg. Cdr. Dobbie (Station Commander)
Mrs Carter-Hayes
Flying Episodes: (Flying in Wellington R for Robert)  
Aircraft: Vickers Wellington Harvard
Flying Characters: Flt Lt Peter Marshall (pilot)
Sgt Pilot Gunnar Franck (2nd pilot)(and navigator)
Sgt Cobbett (flight engineer)(and gunner)
Sgt Phillips (rear gunner)
Aviation Location(s): RAF Hartley Magna
Outbound from England
Over Occupied Territory and over Germany
Returning over the North Sea
Aviation Activities Air Tests
Training Flights
Bombing Missions
Crash landings
Additional Comments: Exemplifies the stresses and strains upon a dedicated Bomber Crew as they fly together, and relax together, in the shadow of increasing casualties.